Ralston win award filled with meaning

Southview's Uland Ralston was awarded by the Paul Reynolds Trophy by the Lorain County Wrestling Coaches & Officials Association for being the best senior wrestler in Lorain County. Ralston is the first Southview Saint to win the award since 2001 when Hector Mendez won. Roderick "Juggy" Franklin also won the award in 1993.
The trophy was provided by Jim Berarducci, a Hall-of-Fame high school and collegiate wrestling official, in memory of his wife Marcia, a teacher in the Wellington Schools who passed away last year from pancreatic cancer.
The award is named for Paul Reynolds who served as the head wrestling coach at Avon Lake for 18 years. He served as an official almost up to his passing in 2008. Reynolds was inducted in the Hall of Fame in 1997.
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